Last season, we didn't start official club ski workouts until January 12th and had about 7 weeks of skiing. This year we got out November 13th and had club ski workouts for 5 months! We even had some club members out skiing on Sunday.
Here's a re-cap of the Best Season Ever.
Windsor Park .. .Remembrance Day 2012:
First Wednesday Night Race of the year, and rookie Ruth makes an appearence (and would be our first Skier of the Week this year):
An early season road trip to Birch (Birch didn't have any skiing last season):
Rambuncious Tim couldn't wait to get skiing (I think):
We ran into Joel Peltz and his brother Harvey:
We also got a rare photo of The Legend (Wayne Oike):
World Cup in Canmore:
Downtown Nordic showing the Russians how to double-pole:
Here is Tim at his 30th birthday party. I didn't think Tim was much past twelve:
A photo of WIndsor Park during a flyover by the Downtown Nordic private jet:
Levi took home gold and bronze from the Ontario Cup races in Lappe ... here he's receiving his bronze:
January 1st interval workout:

More photos of that workout by Hal here:
Paul Lapointe won the Windsor Park Grand Prix. He's pictured here in 1989 during a Canmore world cup behind Olympic medalist Maurilo Dezolt:. Showing off some late 80's endurance fashion ...
Went to the upper peninsula of Michigan for a ski race, and all I got was this picture:
Birch Open in January ... lots of snow, but a little slow that day:

Manitoba Loppet in Pinawa ... sheer domination by DN. Can you tell the difference between these two photos?
Provincial Championships at Birch:
The Axe:
Downtown Nordic at 5AM before the Birkie:
Downtown Nordic on the podium after the Birkie:
Riding Mountain:
Boundary Trails Distance Challenge:
Late season race addition ... the Burwalde Berkie:
Levi battling it out at Nationals in Whistler:
Jean was up skiing (and working) in the North-West Territories:
Alex was up in Greenland and found this incredibly cool ski area!!!
Meanwhile, Al was off doing intervals on Kaui:
Ken, on April 20th, managed a paddle, ski, and bike on the same day:
Jacek: Our skier of the year ...
Leo made these cookies himself:
Who was club of the year?
There's that axe again: