Monday, December 28, 2020

 Strava Virtual Season Competitive Group: 



M Anthony 1:37 5 points 

L Ball 1:50 4 points 

E Mackinlay 2:00 3 points 



N Ferguson :59 5 points 

B Van Den Bosch 1:04 4 points 

C Bartel 1:13 3 points 

G Buhr 1:19 2 points 


Recreational Club Participants: 

C Willim 

M Solano  


Next segment posted Thursday 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

 First real, non test segment. For the competitive club, points will start with this segment.

Jim's been grooming like crazy; grooooooooooming, grooming, groom groom zoom...

Same segment both clubs; short and simple to start. Windsor Park Nordic Center.

Keep in mind that the clubhouse is closed at least until code red is lifted.

Segment open until around 6 PM monday

Monday, December 21, 2020

  Strava Test segment #2:

Competitive Club:
Top skier:
Esther MacKinaly 4.29 min/km 4:09 time

Recreational Club:

Shelby Brisbin

This week the real segments start and points will begin to be awarded.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

 Recreational club segment:

Competitive club segment:

Bonus segment:

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

 First test segment:

Competitive Club:

No participants during open time frame.

Recreational Club:

1Christy Willim

2Lindsay Harrington

New segment coming this weekend.   Maybe it'll be a fatbike one?   

Thursday, December 10, 2020

       DOWNTOWN NORDIC Strava Clubs Test Segments

Well, that promise of snow was a bust.   It looks like we will be waiting for a while longer for snow to ski on.    To try to alleviate our impatience to get out skiing we'll create some test segments with other sports.  Most of us participate in other fitness activities, especially in the off season.   

Please note that after this ALL SEGMENTS will be posted to the blog and facebook page only.

You will not receive an email to describe the segment nor will any results be announced in any place except the blog and facebook page. 

For the blog:

For the Facebook page:

You must be a member of the facebook group to join, the joining process is very simple.   A couple of questions then administrator approval.

Please direct ALL Strava enquiries or comments to Gord at firedudecndn  @   

We were going to have the segment be on the La Salle River because it was skiable but after the rain we don't know its condition. For this segment choose any activity you like.  Walk, run, bike, ballroom dance...

 For simplicity, easy access for participants and testing purposes the segment will be:

  •  along the Harte trail heading WEST starting at the trail intersection just west of Shaftsbury Boulevard for approximately 1.1 kms terminating at the Aspen trail.  West bound only.  Link below:


Please respect other trail users and remember that all Strava Club correspondence should go to Gord at firedudecndn@

Have fun :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 Test segment for the clubs starting this weekend.

Look for the posting here and on the Facebook page around suppertime Thursday.
No points awarded for test segments.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Special DN Announcement: The Downtown Nordic Recreational and Competitive Online Challenge



Want to push your pace once in a while?  Whether you ski for fitness or ski to compete, this challenge is for YOU!


Downtown Nordic is setting up a weekly online Strava challenge series.   Read on to see how you can challenge yourself this winter against skiers in your class.


A little unsure - well, try it one week and see if you like it!






Rules and Guidelines:


For the 2020/21 winter season, two Virtual Leagues will be created and maintained throughout the season.  Two categories will be available: recreational and competitive.

Recreational: For skiers who just want to get out and ski and would like a little kick in the pants of encouragement.  

Competitive:  For skiers who want to see how they stack up against others.

There will also be Classifications based on gender and perhaps age. The league will present weekly challenges to all participants and will be a Strava-based system.


You can only join 1 league: either competitive or recreational.

All participants of the Virtual Leagues must use the Strava app on a Strava compatible device (watch, phone etc.) to record your recreational or competitive activity. You DO NOT need a Strava Subscription!  You can use the FREE Strava app version and participate in the weekly challenges at no cost. The League Administrator will have access to the Strava leaderboards and will post results on the League Blog.

How it Works

Each week a Strava “segment” will be posted in the League Blog (where?). Participants will have 3 to 4 days to complete the segment and record it on Strava. Results will be posted early the following week. 

Segments may be a section of trail, a complete trail, or a couple of trails done in succession. Each segment will be clearly outlined so you will know where each one starts and ends. Some segments may be in the middle of a trail. For added fun, a couple of segments may be “mystery” segments (you will know which trail the segment is on, but you will not know exactly where it starts and stops).

All segments will be on trails that are usually groomed but there is no guarantee that grooming will have occurred following a snow event.

All segments will be in Manitoba.

Please respect persons who host ski trails on their private land. Downtown Nordic strongly encourages a small donation to the landowner to help with grooming costs, but this is not a requirement to participate in the virtual race season.





Recreational League:

For skiers who want to explore new places to ski and want a bit of a challenge that isn’t racing.

Segments in the Recreational League may not be the same as the Competitive league’s segments, however, in cases where family/group members may be in different leagues, we will do our best to  create segments on the same trail or within a trail in the same trail system (to facilitate group/family participation and travel planning to trails). For example, the segment for Competitive League MIGHT be the section of Bluestem trail in Birds Hill Park from the stables to the Chickadee warming hut, while the segment for Recreational League skiers MIGHT be the Chickadee trail or a different section of Bluestem.

Segments will tend to be shorter in the Recreational League. This league is designed to help you explore some of Manitoba’s ski trails that you may not have experienced previously. 

Recording of Completed Segments

Strava is the tracking app that will be used.  If you use a different device or tracking app you must upload it to Strava before the segment expires.  Any tracking errors must be handled through the Strava help platform. 

 Shortcuts in segments are NOT allowed.  You must ski the trail as published in the identified segment and as groomed.

You can ski the segment any time you like but only results published before the segment expires will be considered for inclusions in weekly results.

Results will be posted for all Recreational League participants, but times will not be published to keep this league fun and non-competitive.

Competitive League:

For skiers who want to see how they stack up against the rest of the pack.  

Segments may not be the same as the Recreational League’s segments, however, in cases where family/group members may be in different leagues, we will do our best to  create segments on the same trail or within a trail in the same trail system (to facilitate group/family participation and travel planning to trails). For example, the segment for Competitive League MIGHT be the section of Bluestem trail in Birds Hill Park from the stables to the Chickadee warming hut, while the segment for Recreational League skiers MIGHT be the Chickadee trail or a different section of Bluestem.

Segments will tend to be longer or on a more difficult section of trail (eg. Hills, etc.) than the Recreational League segments. Segments may be two or more trails linked together. When segments are trails linked together, they MUST be done in sequence, but that sequence will be clearly explained.  

For example: 

Competitive Segment:  Birds Hill Park: Bluestem from the stables to the Chickadee lookout tower. Chickadee from lookout tower COUNTER CLOCKWISE for full circuit then finish full Bluestem.


Recording of Completed Segments

Strava is the tracking app that will be used.  If you use a different device or tracking app you must upload it to Strava before the segment expires.  Any tracking errors must be handled through the Strava help platform. 

 Shortcuts in segments are NOT allowed.  You must ski the trail as published in the identified segment and as groomed.

You can ski the segment any time you like but only results published before the segment expires will be considered for standings. A 2-hour grace period will be given (following segment expiry time) so participants can return to internet connectivity areas and upload their results. Please be aware that the League Administrator will be able to see the date and time you started the segment, and therefore will be able to determine if the segment was started before the segment expiry time. You do not have to finish your ski before segment expiry time, but you must have started the segment before the segment expiry time in order to qualify that completed segment for inclusion in the league results.



With leagues for both competitive and recreational skiers there is a place for every skier.   Try your speed against others or just get out and perhaps ski a place you haven’t been to before.   With the current social distancing guidelines this is a chance to ski “with” others on your own.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Incredible Downtown Nordic Ski Passport

 Manitoba is blessed in that it has so many interesting places to Nordic ski.  Sometimes folks get stuck on skiing at the same old places, and never venture out of their comfort zones to try out and discover new ski areas.

If you need help getting started on where to ski in the province, try checking out the Cross Country Ski Association of Manitoba website and the "where to ski" link...

Where to ski in Manitoba

In order to encourage folks to ski in new places, we have created this little skier passport.  You can fill in the place you skied at with a date for the technique you skied.  See how many different places you can ski at before the snow melts.  

This is a personal challenge.  Just save or print out the Passport and start filling it in as you discover new places.

Google Ski Passport

or save and print out the following:  

Happy skiing folks!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Downtown Nordic Ski Meter Tracking Spreadsheet

We all know it is tough to stay positive and motivated during the Pandemic.  However, it is likely more important than ever to get outside, breath the fresh air, enjoy nature and ski!!

In order to encourage some of us that are motivated by setting goals and tracking our progress towards those goals, we have created a rudimentary spreadsheet using google sheets that any DN member can use to track their meters skied during the 2020-2021 ski season.  
Users ideally will have a Gmail account and some basic comfort using spreadsheets in order to sign in and use the tracker on Google sheets.

Please use this link to access the Tracking sheet:

When you click on the link the following screen should appear.....

The bright red box on the top right of the screen  says "SIGN UP TO EDIT".  You can use your gmail account to sign in.  

Once you have signed up, you should see a version of the following screen.  You would then go to the next available "Insert name" box in row 1 and replace this with your name.  

Beneath your name in row 2, you can add your season goal for the number of kilometers you hope to ski this season.  

Then its time to ski.  You can then add your mileage in the appropriate row under your name that corresponds to the correct date in column A.

You can also download the Google sheets app for your smart phone to make data entry quick and easy.

Please note that the admin will protect your column such that only you can modify your data.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

What's this?

More to come soon.... 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

 Watch  this space for the virtual race season details coming soon.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Instructional sessions - Tuesday!

Hey everyone - adult instructional sessions will start up Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30.   Skate on Tuesday and Classic on Thursday.

If you weren't out for the coaches meet and greet, be sure to arrive early to make sure you  get in the right group - we now have athletic beginner, intermediate 1, intermediate 2, and racing.

Also, if you attend all 3 sessions of instruction for a technique, you will earn a very nice Downtown Nordic scarf!
