OK folks, here's the plan:
We start dryland training on Thursday, October 10th at 6:30PM at Westview Park (the big hill north of the Polo Park area). These sessions will focus on classic technique with ski-striding and some balance drills. Bring running shoes and, if you have some, short(ish) ski poles. We'll do this every Thursday until the snow comes.
Once the snow comes, we'll start skiing somewhere every Thursday.
And once the Windsor Park Nordic Centre opens, we'll be training every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 at Windsor.
We'll start off doing lots of work on technique -- generally alternating sessions between skate and classic. In December, the Tuesday workouts will become interval-training sessions. And in January, the Thursday sessions will become distance-training.
This year, we're trying to get everyone signed up by early December so as many people as possible can get the benefits of all the early-season work we do on technique.
For those thinking about joining the club for the first time, this is a training/fitness club. We have a very wide range of ages and abilities. About half the club does not ski race -- they just like being good on their skis. The common thread is that everyone loves cross-country skiing and gets out skiing on a regular basis.
Also ... we are looking at setting up an informal group of families that want to go on occasional ski excursions with their children as part of a larger group. We're calling it the DN Explorers. Let me (Steve) know if you are interested in this.