Monday, April 13, 2015


Another great year for Downtown Nordic.  World domination will soon be at hand.

Check out those beautiful mugs.   And the cups are nice too.
The Golden Women of DN (a new reality show on TLC)

First ski - November 11th
Downtown Nordic 1st Annual Double Pole World Championships Prize Ceremony

Andy D wrapped up in his Birkie Blanket -

Pay-per-view of Plank-mania

People must have been wondering what the heck we were doing!

Patrice found this at Stokely Creek

The DN Snowman

The Downtown Nordic colors in Colorado

Levi N at Silverstar -- couldn't quite handle all that snow.

Meanwhile, the DN crew shoveling snow at Windsor in January!

J-How and Chris H after a hard days work

Andy D sharing tales of past glory on the drive to Minneapolis

On the podium at the Vasaloppet

Surviving the Manitoba Loppet -- we'll be back for the 40th next year

Dan and Katrina on the Pumpkin Creek trails

Steve and non-DN member Phil observing the Birch trails from the Pumpkin Creek trails

Joe B was a late season acquisition for our successful playoff run.
Andy M in his first ever classic race at Riding Mountain

Yes, we had a full bus for Riding Mountain

Skier of the Year 1: Floyd

Skier of the Year 2: Lesley (represented by her daughter Mhari)

Skier of the Year 3: Laena

Coach of the year: Sue!

Skier of the Year 4: Levi (represented by his faster brother Gideon)
Levi N taking a silver medal at the National Championships in Thunder Bay!

DN Jackrabbits -- an awesome part of our club!

See you in the fall!