Saturday, November 27, 2021

Introducing your adult program coaches!

Sue - Athletic Beginner Skate Coach

Nicest person ever.  But will happily destroy you in a sprint.

Anne-Marie - Athletic Beginner Coach

Don't let the smile fool you; she has killed bears with her hands.

Katrina - Athletic Beginner classic and some skate Coach

Katrina hitch-hiking to heaven

John M - Intermediate Classic Head Coach and Skate helper

John has been ski instructing for over 45 years.   He started instructing at age 3.

Jim - Intermediate Skate Head Coach and Classic helper

For all modelling inquiries, please contact Jim's agency.

John K - Multi-dimensional coach

John K is mixing the latest high-performance cocktail that will make you much faster!

Steve - Extremely humble coach for world domination

Sorry.  This is the ONLY ski picture I have.  I'm the one on the left.

Athletic Beginner and Intermediate sessions all meet on Windsor Park main training grid (to south / right of the clubhouse).  Look for the bright yellow toques.

Advanced sessions generally meet on the Blue oval

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Registration is closing early!

REGISTRATION IS CLOSING THURSDAY, November 25th at 11PM  - as we are hitting our limits.

Register now or see you next year! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Instructional sessions start November 29th!!


Hey Skiers - Great news!

Your coaches met and have decided we will start DN instructional programs the week of November 29th!   We have the snow and we have decent temperatures so we are going to get going.  Please read all of the details below:


COVID Policy:  We expect all members partaking in adult instructional and fitness programs to follow public health rules and be fully vaccinated.


Be flexible AND punctual:  all programs will be "meet outside on the snow" as we are not allowed to gather inside the Windsor Park Clubhouse for the time being so ... we need you to be on-time and also be flexible if we need to cancel due to too cold temperatures.


Instructional Programs:

Athletic Beginners - Mondays (classic) and Tuesdays (skate) tentatively starting November 29th 7PM - 3 sessions of each technique

Intermediate - Tuesdays (classic) and Thursdays (skate) tentatively starting November 30th 7PM - 3 sessions of each technique

Advanced - Mondays starting November 29th 7PM and Wednesdays at 1PM (this timing may change a bit as winter progresses)


Daylight sessions - this year, we have the ability to offer some daylight instructional sessions - let me know if you are interested and the days that work for you - we will see what we can do to help everyone get skiing better this winter.


A few final tips:

Be sure to get out skiing at least once or twice before the first session - so you know your equipment is ready and your body is a little more ready!


Register soon if you are interested - we are getting lots of interest and will cap registration if numbers start getting too high.  Registration will close for sure by November 27th at the latest. Register here: