Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Do you want to be a Snow Sister?

Snow Sisters Registration just went up last night.  Don't miss out on the hottest event of the winter!

 -> Pick your distance
 -> Pick the technique you want to ski (classic or skate)
 -> and let us know if you will attend the clinic on January 5th

Here is the online registration link.  We only have 80 spots and they are going fast!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Presenting ...

To receive updates on the SnowSisters event, e-mail: snowsisters2016 at

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Registration is up!

Registration for the club is now up!

A special gift for the first 100 registrants - 2 gifts for a family membership

Registration closes Dec. 1st  - don't miss out!

Zone 4 link:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

2015/16 Season Plans


Adult Training Programs for 2015/2016 (see JackRabbits Program below)
Fall Training: starts Thursday, October 1st at 7PM at Westview Park (meet on the North side).
Early Winter Instruction (depending on conditions) - all sessions 7PM:
Dec 8 - Tues - classic - 3 levels: Athletic Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Dec 10 - Thurs - skate - 3 levels: Athletic Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Dec 15 - Tues - classic - 3 levels: Athletic Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Dec 17 -  Thurs - skate - 3 levels: Athletic Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
January to March Training (Tuesday nights) - all sessions 7PM:
Jan 5 - SnowSisters clinic (classic)
Jan 5 - drills night and fitness intensity - for those not partaking in SnowSisters clinic
Jan 12 - SnowSisters event (no other club activities on this night)
Jan 19 - drills and fitness intensity - two levels
Jan 26 - drills and fitness intensity - two levels
Feb 2 - intensity and fun relays
Feb 9 - intensity and fun relays
Feb 16 - group ski
Feb 23 - group ski
Mar 1 - Dash For Cash Jackrabbits night (no other club activities on this night)
Week-end trips:
Katrina will be hosting some week-end trips to ski areas around Manitoba -- schedule TBA
Thursday night group skis may be offered at times in January & February - stay posted

JackRabbits Program
Tuesday nights at 6PM - December to March
contact Steve Wintoniw for information:
JackRabbits registration is initially only open to returning JR members.
Registration for all events will be open shortly.  Check back soon!

DN Summer Biathlon

Our first ever summer biathlon was a huge success!  A couple of photos and a big thank you to Biathlon Manitoba for running the event!

Chris Graham took the men's event and Lindsay Cook was the women's champion.

Roller-ski racing

Check out these recent great roller ski races in Norway:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cold Baths -- something to use in your summer training

Here's a great thing to do after a workout in the summer heat.  Note that this isn't an ice bath, but rather a cold bath (they aim for 13 degrees Celsius), but any cool lake (or mountain stream) will work.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Plans for next season

OK, Downtown Nordic will expanding our offerings once again next year.  We will be adding a cross-country snowboarding option.  Check this out:


Another great year for Downtown Nordic.  World domination will soon be at hand.

Check out those beautiful mugs.   And the cups are nice too.
The Golden Women of DN (a new reality show on TLC)

First ski - November 11th
Downtown Nordic 1st Annual Double Pole World Championships Prize Ceremony

Andy D wrapped up in his Birkie Blanket -

Pay-per-view of Plank-mania

People must have been wondering what the heck we were doing!

Patrice found this at Stokely Creek

The DN Snowman

The Downtown Nordic colors in Colorado

Levi N at Silverstar -- couldn't quite handle all that snow.

Meanwhile, the DN crew shoveling snow at Windsor in January!

J-How and Chris H after a hard days work

Andy D sharing tales of past glory on the drive to Minneapolis

On the podium at the Vasaloppet

Surviving the Manitoba Loppet -- we'll be back for the 40th next year

Dan and Katrina on the Pumpkin Creek trails

Steve and non-DN member Phil observing the Birch trails from the Pumpkin Creek trails

Joe B was a late season acquisition for our successful playoff run.
Andy M in his first ever classic race at Riding Mountain

Yes, we had a full bus for Riding Mountain

Skier of the Year 1: Floyd

Skier of the Year 2: Lesley (represented by her daughter Mhari)

Skier of the Year 3: Laena

Coach of the year: Sue!

Skier of the Year 4: Levi (represented by his faster brother Gideon)
Levi N taking a silver medal at the National Championships in Thunder Bay!

DN Jackrabbits -- an awesome part of our club!

See you in the fall!

Monday, March 9, 2015


Wow, epic day at Riding Mountain on Saturday.  It was a great course, great weather, great post-race food, and one giant leap for Downtown Nordic.  A total of 45 DN'ers made the trip out ... crushing our previous club record of 20 skiers at an event.

Always awesome at Riding Mountain
Well, whose bus could that be??

J-How in the house!

A incredible day in Downtown Nordic's history.

Meanwhile, that little race in Sweden called the Vasaloppet had some trouble with their start gates (see the video below).  Those Swedes could learn a thing or two from the Riding Mountain group on how to put on a real ski race.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

We Survived the 2015 Manitoba Loppet

An epic day for Downtown Nordic at the Manitoba Loppet today.  Icy and twisty hard tracks made for a challenging day, but we survived.

Here are just some of the DN folk at Pinawa:

DN took home two big trophies -- this is the first time ever that one club has won both the men's and women's events.

Esther broke her Garmin.  Last time we heard, she was out in the dark with her headlamp looking for the lost pin.


A careful scientific analysis of her Garmin data showed that an average heart rate of 165 beats per minute produced an average speed of 2.9 kms per hour.  Well done Esther!

Freddie carefully demonstrated her downhill ski technique

Steve told stories of how he won the race while fighting off a pack of wild coyotes:

An amazing day for Downtown Nordic:


Friday, January 2, 2015

Snow shoveling at Windsor Park



Laurie on his phone, Esther supervising, Andy and others actually working