Coaches for 2024/25 Season:
Athletic Beginner:
... and we are back!
DN Adult programs for the next season:
Main Change = Tuesdays only
Adult instructional programs each Tuesday in December and
January (as soon as we get skiable snow)
Will alternate each week generally with skate or classic
instruction (a little bit conditions-dependent)
Will have Athletic Beginners, Intermediate, and
AB + Intermediate will be instructional; Advanced will be
mostly drills and interval training
AB will be led by Coach Katrina
Intermediate will be led by Coach John K with support for
Coach John M
Advanced will be led by me
Coach Jim B is taking a year sabbatical and will be back
next year.
Dryland training for those interested will be at
Westview Park on the north side Tuesdays at 6:45PM starting October 22nd
Registration here:
Here is an interesting picture on downhill cornering. For the advanced group on Thursday, we will play around with downhill cornering options!
We have added several new policies as required by CCSAM. They can be found here: